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abovefarm in italy


Why traditional knowledge is so important for sustainable farming?


It is quite clear that we have a problem with the current way we do agriculture: 29% of global greenhouse emissions are produced by the global food system as a whole!


Realized that, the solution doesn’t just lay in substituting external synthetized inputs with organic ones.


Farmers need to become more resilient, less dependent on external inputs and simultaneously being able to protect the environment. This can be done only relying on an effective use of local resources. For this to happen small producers need strong social capital, intimate knowledge of local ecology and innovation.


The Ethnographic park of Rubano Comune di Rubano (Italy) Parco Etnografico di Rubano is the perfect place to learn about local traditional farming knowledge. The park preserves the history, the tradition, the symbols, the varieties of the local agro-system. And transforms knowledge and social values in fresh organic veggies produced in the collective food gardens managed by the local inhabitants! We spent a joyful morning with @Silvia Ferro president of Diversamentebio Associazione at the park learning about alternative ways of being bio! Thank you so much!


  ——  2019.8.19

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